Wednesday, October 17, 2012

4-1/2 Months-Old

Another play date with Elsea!
Today, Margot is 4-1/2 months-old.  I’m going to stop counting the weeks now, I think, since her major milestone of finishing her vaccinations has passed.  Well, almost passed.  She still needs to receive her rabies vaccination, which will happen after she’s spayed next week. 

We’ve been going to the dog park a lot, and Margot absolutely LOVES it!  I love it, too.  It’s actually a very social experience for the owners as well as their dogs.  The funny thing is, I don’t think any of us owners have really learned each other’s names, but I could tell you almost every single dog’s name that’s at the park each day.  Haha!  So far, other than Elsea, Margot’s biggest buddy seems to be a white, fluffy Husky mix named Coda.  They are simply adorable when they are together.  They wrestle and tumble around in the dirt until poor Coda looks like he’s more like a shade of beige than white.  Margot gets pretty filthy, too.  In fact, we all do!  By the time Justin and I leave the dog park, we’re both covered in muddy paw prints and slobbers from all the various dogs, but it sure is fun getting that way!

Socially, I’m pretty proud of Margot.  She can still be a little timid if she doesn’t recognize anyone at the dog park right away, but she’s still very willing and eager to make new friends.  She also doesn’t like to wander too far from me or Justin.  The dog park is a pretty big, fenced-in area, and a group of us owners usually hang out at the top of the hill.  Every now and then, Margot will get brave and venture down to the bottom of the hill with a small pack of dogs, as long as they are also accompanied by an owner, but she usually doesn’t stay with that group too long before returning to the top of the hill with us.  One thing is for certain, Margot is a “people” dog.  Just about any time we lose site of her and ask, “Where’s Margot?” we’ll usually find her standing beside a human.  She absolutely LOVES human attention and affection and gives her kisses freely to anyone who wants them.   She’s definitely a charmer.

Wearing Lexie's old sweatshirt.  :'-)
I should also add that Justin SWEARS he heard Margot let out her first actual bark when he had her at the dog park this past Monday, but I have yet to hear this for myself.  She does vocalize while she plays, and every now and then she’ll let out a high-pitched semi-bark, but Justin says that what he heard was an actual bark-bark. 

As for a housebreaking update, I don’t really have anything new to report.  I will say that I haven’t seen many messes in the house over this past week, but that could also be due to the fact that the weather has been nice and I’ve been leaving the back door open as much as possible.  I love that Margot loves to play outside so much.  It’s funny, because we’ve started finding random items out in the back yard, like one of her toys or a sock, which means she’s started taking things out there to play with them. 

Snuggling with Daddy
I will also add that Margot is definitely a cold weather snuggler and LOVES her blankie.  A few days ago, when the weather turned cold, I found one of Lexie’s old sweatshirts and put it on Margot.  It was huge on her, but I could tell that she kind of liked wearing it.  So, Justin and I went to Petco last weekend and I bought her a little doggie fleece.  It’s light enough that it won’t make her hot if she wears it in the house, but I do think it will help keep her warm when she’s in her crate.  I worry about her getting cold at night because we turn the heat down before we go to bed (otherwise, the upstairs bedrooms are like a furnace).  So far, she seems to love her new fleece.


I have one more thing to mention before I go, and that is our trip to Little Victories this past Sunday.  Little Victories is a no-kill animal rescue, and Justin volunteered to work there one day last week .  While he was there, he met a lovable, three-legged Irish Setter mix named Oliver.  Now, Justin knows that I don’t really ever want a male dog, but he asked if I would be willing to meet Oliver anyway.  I found a photo of him on the Little Victories website, and the accompanying story broke my heart.  He lost his left hind leg after it was caught in a bear trap, and even lost one of his teeth trying to chew the trap off his leg.  Then, years later, he was shot in his other leg, which now contains a metal plate.  Well, after MUCH discussion about whether or not I’m ready to have a three-dog family again, I finally agreed to take Margot just go meet Oliver.  He was a very sweet boy, and he gets around so well on three legs that you almost don’t even notice at first.  He and Margot didn’t seem to mind each other one bit, either.  We took them both for a short walk up the road and back, but as soon as we got back to the main building, Oliver just seemed to want to go back inside.  I know this may sound funny, but I didn’t really feel that strong of a connection with Oliver that day.  I think he easily could have stolen my heart had he acted like he was very happy to meet us, but he really seemed totally happy living right there at Little Victories and couldn’t wait to get back to his bed. 
Snuggling with Sam in her new fleece.

So, Justin and I haven’t really talked about Oliver much since that day.  I honestly don’t feel like I’m ready to have three dogs again, though.  I WOULD adopt Oliver if Justin felt strongly enough about it, but, like I said, he hasn’t really mentioned him since last Sunday.  It’s just that Sam took SO long to finally warm up to Margot, and now they’re getting along so well that I don’t really want to risk messing that up.  I will 100%, DEFINITELY adopt a dog whenever Sam passes away, but until that sad day comes, I think I’m just going to leave things the way they are.

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